2010年9月15日 星期三

股票交易 Vs 外匯交易

股票交易 Vs 外匯交易

By Ahmad A Hassam 2009/11/24



1。外匯保證金交易是24 / 5的市場,意思是除了週末,在外匯市場上你可以看到持續一周的盤勢,不像股票市場,只能在白天的上午9時至美國東部時間下午4:30。這意味著,你可以隨時交易外匯。如果你有白天工作,你可以於下班後交易外匯。

2。超過 90%的全球外匯交易涉及美元。6個主要的貨幣對對美元的交易量是比較大的。對照股票,有超過 50,000股票只有在美國股市註冊,更遑論其他登記在他處的股票,例如倫敦證券交易所、東京證券交易所或其他證交所。

3。外匯經紀人提供高達 100:1槓桿,而股票經紀商提供的是 2:1的槓桿。因此,即使一個小的價格變動在外匯市場也能夠獲利。




Stock Trading Vs Forex Trading
By Ahmad A Hassam

Stock trading has always been the most popular form of investment. Buy and hold has been a proven and tested method of investment. There are many companies that have weathered the recession and there stocks are now poised for a rebound. In the last few years, forex trading has also come off age and many people started trading forex after the stock market crash of 2008.
So which is the better: stock trading or forex trading? Let's compare the pros and cons:
1. Forex is a 24/5 market which means that in the forex market you can see continuous action throughout the week except on the weekend unlike the stock market where stocks can only be traded during the day mostly 9:00AM to 4:30PM EST. What this means is that you can trade forex anytime of the day. If you have a day job, you can trade forex after hours.
2. More than 90% of the global forex transactions involve US Dollar. There are not more than 6 currency pairs involving US Dollar that are heavily traded. As compared to that there are more than 50,000 stocks registered in the US stock markets alone what to talk of those stocks registered in the London Stock Exchange, the Tokyo Stock Exchanges and other exchanges. So in forex trading, you only need to focus on a few currency pairs. The most heavily traded currency pairs are GBPUSD and EURUSD.
3. Forex brokers offers leverage as high as 100:1 as compared to 2:1 by stock brokers. So even a small price movement in the forex market can be profitable as compared to the stock market.
4. In forex trading, you can practice on your demo account until you get the rquired experience.
So if you compare stock trading with forex trading, you will find that fx trading is indeed the better option now. There is never a bear forex market. If one currency goes up, the other in the pair goes down. That's why FX Trading is being called the Recession Proof Business of the 21st Century. Don't wait for the economy to recover completely. This is the best time to trade forex!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ahmad_A_Hassam
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