2010年9月11日 星期六

開始外匯交易之前您必須要知道5件事 !

開始外匯交易之前必須要知道5件事 !

By Brent McCoy

2外匯交易的貨幣對總是成雙成,最流行的是歐元 /美元。
其他主要貨幣對還包括英鎊 /美元,澳元/美元,美元/日元和美元/瑞士法郎。

。外匯交易對於提供投資者槓桿是獨一無二槓桿可以高達 400:1允許交易者利用槓桿,以很小的初始資本來控制一個更大數額的金錢。這可能導致非常大的收益 - 以及損失。


Forex Currency Trading - 5 Things You Must Know Before You Start

By Brent McCoy

Forex currency trading is an increasingly popular way to start making money online. The foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world and involves the buying and selling of different countries' currencies. In this article you will learn the basics you need to know about forex currency trading.

1. The primary parties involved in forex currency trading are the banks and other financial institutions, while retail traders account for a very small percentage of activity.

2. Currencies on the foreign exchange are always traded in pairs, with the most popular being the EUR/USD. Other major pairs include the GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF. In these pairs, the first currency is always measured against the second.

3. Forex currency trading is unique in the amount of leverage it offers investors. This can be as high as 400:1. Leverage allows traders to control a much larger amount of money with a very small initial investment. This can result in very large gains - as well as losses.

4. Successful trading requires the development of a system with which to approach the markets. This involves learning about concepts such as technical and fundamental analysis as well as applying correct money management.

5. Forex currency trading can be a risky venture given the volatility of the currency market and tendency for new traders to use leverage incorrectly. It is important you learn everything you can and know exactly what you're doing before you invest any real money. For this reason, many forex brokers allow you to try forex trading using a demo platform so you can see whether it's for you.

Want forex trading strategies that are 90% profitable and easy to use? Get them for FREE here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brent_McCoy

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